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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Find quick and clear answers to common questions about Sunshine Matrimony. From account setup to service details, our FAQ section helps you navigate your journey effortlessly. Need more help? Our support team is here for you.


    Sunshine Matrimony is aimed at individuals seeking serious and lasting relationships. Our platform connects people globally who are looking for meaningful matrimonial connections and life partners.

    Your personal data in Sunshine Matrimony is highly secure. We use advanced security measures, including encryption and secure servers, to protect your information. We are committed to maintaining your privacy and ensuring your data is handled with the highest level of security and confidentiality.

    Sure, you can secure your profile private. Only your friends will see your profile picture. Others will see generic picture with locked logo.

    You can easily register to our dating website through Facebook login.

    On Sunshine Matrimony, sharing media files directly with friends is not supported to maintain privacy and security. However, you can connect with friends through the platform’s messaging features. If you have any questions or need assistance with sharing content, please contact our support team for more information.

    If your questions have not been answered here, you can find additional information and assistance through the following options:

    1. FAQ Section: Check our Frequently Asked Questions page for detailed answers to common inquiries.
    2. Support Team: Contact our support team directly via email at [email protected] or through our contact form on the website for personalized assistance.
    3. Help Center: Visit our Help Center for resources and guides on using our platform.

    We’re here to help you with any questions or issues you may have.